Saturday, January 30, 2010


So I was looking through the old family scrapbook the other night and I came across my great grandmother's death certificate. I noticed her father's name of William A. Mann. I Googled it and this is what I came up with.... I even found a marriage record of him marrying my grandmother's mother.
Anyway, following this link and Googling other names I've found in the tree is pretty much overwhelming. Who knew there was a Knight in the family??
I always thought we were just a bunch of Drunk Bastards, but I guess way back when we had a bit of Class!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I can't believe it's been a year!

Someone just reminded me I have this Blog!! Silly me!
It has been a year since I visited 9 well, almost.
Sad thing, not much has changed. I've made some more art, I'll post a few pics. Same 'ol job, same 'ol boyfriend, same 'ol dog, etc.
The exciting thing is ......I"M GOING TO CHINA in April!! Can't wait!!